

Fullstack Web/Mobile Developer

As a fullstack developer, I have worked with Ionic, NestJS, and MongoDB for the development of mobile and web applications. I have been involved in major projects and utilized agile methodologies to maintain productivity and project success, collaborating directly with various teams and management while actively participating in architectural decisions. My contribution has been essential in achieving established goals and delivering high-quality solutions.
TypescriptJavascriptShell ProgrammingNode.jsAngular 2+MongoDBREST ArchitectureGitHub ActionsMongooseESLintCSS/SASSIonicNestJS

STI - UFF - Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação

Fullstack Engineer

I worked with a team in the maintenance and evolution of more than 20 systems for the academic community of the Fluminense Federal University, through Redmine and direct contact with the sectors management. Acted in a system for student exhange program, inventory management, scheduling for healthcare professionals, student scholarships, graduate systems and many others. I teached javascript workshop to help with the culture of knowledge sharing.
JavascriptAngular.jsAgile MethodologiesDockerRubyRabbitMQCapybaraRSpecMySQLCSS/SASSNode.jsRuby On RailsCapybaraRedmineSidekiqjQuery

RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa

Development and Research Assistant

Worked with RNP and Federal Fluminense University, developing an application of business model canvas. The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management template used for developing new business models and documenting existing ones. Using SAGE2, a web-based collaboration platform, enabling users to work with remote collaborators through video conferencing. I worked with SAGE2 library using bare metal Javascript to bring SAGE2 and Business Model Canvas together


Bacharel em Ciência da Computação

Universidade Federal Fluminense, OnGoing

Courses & Trainings

MongoDB University

MongoDB for Javascript Developers, 2021

The MongoDB Aggregation Framework, 2021

Data Modeling, 2020

FAETERJ Paracambi

Desenvolvimento Web, 2012
